Hives at the Instalux Group
Hives in our green spaces
The Installux Group has been committed for many years to protecting the environment and working to reduce its environmental impact.
This year, the Installux Group has decided to contribute to the protection of bees and biodiversity.
In collaboration with the local beekeeping association Urbapi, which is involved in the protection of bees and the development of colonies, the Installux Group is committed to making its 12 hectares of greenery around its offices available, to allow the installation of 4 hives and help the bees to survive.
80,000 additional employees now work for the Installux Group! 4 hives, each housing 20,000 bees and a queen, have been installed on the Saint Bonnet de Mure site, at the head office, away from the buildings and sheltered from the wind.
A Sustainable Development approach
The establishment of hives makes it possible to create a real spot of biodiversity in the city.
In France, nearly 30% of bee colonies disappear every year.
In 10 years, 15,000 beekeepers have ceased their activity. the bee has become in a few years the ambassador of biodiversity.
According to a 2008 study by INRA and CNRS, foragers are responsible for 35% of the world’s food resources, while 65% of the diversity of our meals depends on pollination.
Shared values
Urbapi will take care of the bees in accordance with the rules of the profession: they will intervene every 4 to 6 weeks to check the state of the colonies and allow their development under the best conditions.
The Installux Group, through this action, promotes and defends the know-how of local, artisanal and sustainable beekeeping which reflects its own values as defender of the know-how and expertise of its customers aluminium carpenters.
The value of the know-how and craft takes on its full meaning!
Bees in a few figures
We look forward to harvesting the honey of its tireless workers.
We look forward to seeing you in July for the first harvest of honey in the colours of the Installux Group!